
歡迎來到 MIRAMONTI 米拉夢地民宿,我是米媽。我已經迫不及待地想要見到你了!如果你有任何特別需求,比如想吃什麼或不吃什麼食物,或者有其他的想法,請隨時告訴我。米家成員們,隨時準備好與你分享米家生活。


如果三天內,沒收到米媽的回覆,別擔心!你可以加入米家官方 Line聯繫!







如果你懶得看文章,也可以到米媽的 Podcast 收聽「賣房間更賣生活」,直接點選你有興趣的節目收聽吧!

Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/nrlnoX





Dear Mi-Fan,

Welcome to MIRAMONTI House! I’m MIRAMONTI-mama, and I can’t wait to meet you! If you have any special requests, like dietary preferences or anything else, please let me know anytime. The MIRAMONTI Family is always ready to share our life with you.

If you’re filling out the booking form after 10 PM(GMT+8), we might already be asleep.

If you don’t hear back from me within three days, don’t worry! You can send a letter to the MIRAMONTI mailbox!

Email: miramontihouse@gmail.com

Here are some tips for your stay:

You’re now on the MIRAMONTI blog. We recommend you browse through our stories to get a feel for our place before you arrive.

Apple Podcast:https://reurl.cc/nrlnoX


Thank you again for your booking, and we look forward to sharing a wonderful time with you! Remember to bring your good vibes, and we’ll be here waiting for you at the MIRAMONTI House!